So far, I have assisted my supervisors in several lectures and seminars, primarily in the course Elements of Machine Learning and Data Science during 2023 and 2024. This introductory lecture is designed to help bachelor’s students build a solid foundation in machine learning methods and data science. In addition to this, I co-organised a seminar on multi-objective optimisation in 2023.
I am also supervising both bachelor’s and master’s theses. If you are interested in writing a thesis under my supervision, please feel free to reach out! I especially welcome students who already have their own ideas or topics they are interested about exploring! For more details and information about current thesis opportunities, please visit our chair's website .
Below, you can find some examples of ongoing and completed theses supervised by me.
Ebbers, Michael:
On the Importance of Noise Sources for the Variability of Hyperparameter Performance in Reinforcement Learning
Bachelor's Thesis
Eckerdt, Dennis:
Improving Solar Car Development by Applying Methods from Automatic Machine Learning
Bachelor's Thesis
I am co-supervising this super cool collaboration with Hadar Shavit and our universities' Sonnenwagen Team, developing a solar racing car. The thesis' aims to improve the efficiency of their car for an international 5 day race through Australia.
So, Minsu:
Analysing Multi-Objective HPO for Performance and Variance in RL
Master's Thesis
Rosa, Tobias:
Exploring the Impact of MDP Inherent Difficulties on Deep Reinforcement Learning Hyperparameters
Bachelor's Thesis, 2024